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Old 12-15-2010, 10:21 PM
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KennyKen KennyKen is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 181
KennyKen is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Tank Shut Down--Mississauga Ontario

Hey Folks.
Yup....its happening unfortunately.

Just dont have the time for it right now,

so yah, all my GTA canreefers....hear me now.

lots of coral, mostly zoas. ranging from 15-20 pieces to 100 polyps.
All top notch pieces from Reef Raft or ORG, so you know they are on point.

Assorted Chalices,
2 gorgeous hammers, 1 red and the other BRIGHT BRIGHT green like ive never seen before.
2 torch, also not very common colors
2 clams, maxima and a dersa


Yellow Tang-3.5"
Pair of Bangaii
True Perc
Red Dragonette
Prawn Goby
Yellow clown goby

*All fish eat like pigs. Frozen, pellet and flake.

Peppermint shramp
Blood Shramp
Assorted Hermits
Assorted Snails
Beautiful Starfish, not sure what kind
And a gnarly Michaels Pistol shrimp, very active and big.

Please email and we can set something up.
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