Originally Posted by ScubaSteve
Pathogen is my guess as well. I had something similar hit my candycanes back in the summer and I had no idea what. They still haven't fully recovered even. Should I leave this guy in really low light under the overhang and hope it pulls through or should I pull it out a bit to get a bit more light?
My chalice is, I believe, an oxypora? It's the same species as the ATL masterpiece chalice but has different colouring. I'll try to see if I can get it to eat. I've never used the zeovit LPS supp. Is it just for health or will it encourage a feeding response as well? The lack of a feeding response has always bothered me. Any suggestions on this?
I'll see if I can get home sometime in the next couple of days when the lights are on so I can get a pic of ol' bleachy (gonna be tough though with 18 hour work days for the remainder of the week :s ).
If it's the same growth form as the ATL masterpiece its certainly an oxypora sp, would love to see some photos. The supplement will help with regrowth of lost tissue, will make the chalice look plumper and it personally caused all my chalices to develop almost a pink sunscreen pigment. Hard to explain with words so these photos should help:
The prime chalice used to be completely blue:
Same with this one aside from the green eyes: