Pathogen is my guess as well. I had something similar hit my candycanes back in the summer and I had no idea what. They still haven't fully recovered even. Should I leave this guy in really low light under the overhang and hope it pulls through or should I pull it out a bit to get a bit more light?
My chalice is, I believe, an oxypora? It's the same species as the ATL masterpiece chalice but has different colouring. I'll try to see if I can get it to eat. I've never used the zeovit LPS supp. Is it just for health or will it encourage a feeding response as well? The lack of a feeding response has always bothered me. Any suggestions on this?
I'll see if I can get home sometime in the next couple of days when the lights are on so I can get a pic of ol' bleachy (gonna be tough though with 18 hour work days for the remainder of the week :s ).