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Old 12-09-2010, 02:40 PM
toxic111 toxic111 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Lloydminster, SK
Posts: 237
toxic111 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by BMW Rider View Post
Ecxellent choice.

I used to fly with the Air Cadets. Had my private and glider licenses. Haven't flown in many years though, just couldn't afford it anymore; both in time and money. Life stuff got in the way. Now I'm so long out of date, I'd have to start all over. I've logged about a hundred hours on powered filight and over 500 glider flights. I'd like to get back into the gliding again someday; it's much more relaxing and peacful, yet at the same time more demanding of the pilot's skills to do it well.
You would be surprised how fast it would come back. I bet within 10hrs you would be comfortable again.

I haven't been up in 2.5yrs, again life got in the way, a new baby & building a house did that. I am hoping to get going again in the spring.

Slick I would love to get my float ticket one day. I did look at a course on Van Island that did bush flying & floats in a week long course. From landing on a lake to landing on a sandbar with tundras... ahhh.. one day
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