Jeebus where do I start my wife says I have to many hobbies. 7 tanks on the go this is the hobby I mostly do when I'm bored it's turning into work more than hobby. 2 Dogs westie and a yorkie so we do dog things throughout the week. In the summer we camp alot this year not so much only spent 24 nights in the camper but usually around 35-40 nights. When we are camping we are quadding also or fishing or we are at car show. When camper gets put to bed for the winter(oct) the sleds come out sled as much as we can till April then they go to bed quads and camper come out. I used collect die cast 1:18 cars American Muscle I have around 150ish all new in the box, but they are just collecting dust now along with RC race trucks. I am a member of about 6 clubs in and around Edmonton fish, truck, car, snowmobile, quad, dogs, lots of xmas parties this time of year

. I moderate on 2 message boards and organize 2 huge club get togethers a year summer one has around 500 people attending huge sponsors for across Canada and the US. The winter one is about 350 people, which these alone take up 1-2 days a week 52 weeks a year. And I maintain 2 houses Ours and my mother in laws yard work, garden, snow removal. In between all this I work 24/7 7 on 7 off