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Old 12-08-2010, 05:01 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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Originally Posted by searay View Post
Thanks for all the advice.
Planning on setting up a Q tank right away.
Whats the best size/setup for a cheap Q tank.
sponge or hob ect.
LFS has a Dragon Wrasse in their display reef.Been there a while.
Might be on my list for now(cool fish)
Got time to think it over.
Input on my plumbing would be great.

wouldnt worry about fish for a while, your cycle is gonna be short(amonia wise) as there isnt much for dead life in the way of rock so the only amonia you will get will be forced from something like rotting food or shrimp.....but as you add fish your gonna have more amonia and not enough life built up to keep up with it. once that happens breathing problems will happen with your fish and most of your inverts will die off quickly. its a bad route to go down as live rock is the main filter in your aquarium. adding dryrock is just a way to increase your rock load and keep your cost down while waiting for it to become live......which is as long as it would take life to populate in its crevaces you should have enough live rock to keep your system going.

the good thing is you have a decent sized aquarium so your tank wont be affected by fish waste too much at first if you keep your bio-load small(fish numbers and size)....the solution to pollution is dilution

Last edited by reefwars; 12-08-2010 at 05:06 AM.
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