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Old 12-08-2010, 04:50 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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Originally Posted by searay View Post
Thanks for all the advice.
Planning on setting up a Q tank right away.
Whats the best size/setup for a cheap Q tank.
sponge or hob ect.
LFS has a Dragon Wrasse in their display reef.Been there a while.
Might be on my list for now(cool fish)
Got time to think it over.
Input on my plumbing would be great.

for a qt tank it doesnt have to be huge its just some where to observe and treat if necessary .

in a qt tank you can have liverock but just a small amout as you want to be able to see your qt is a 30g it has liverock in it and i add some pvc for added shelter. strong lights arent required.

if you plan to use this tank as a hospital tank then your liverock will need to be removed as alot of medications will kill all life in it anyways.

a basic qt tank could be 30g
no sand or any substrate
small amount of liverock
heater/power head
pvc for hiding places
lights havent got to be expensive just something so your fish doesnt hide all the time and scare off every time you approach.
water changes regulary

pretty much the basics of what a tank can run off of
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