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Old 12-08-2010, 04:49 AM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ridge Meadows
Posts: 199
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ALright, I have been running the light since September and I figured I would post an update.

No electical or mechanical issues. No rust and no signs of wear - of course I meaintain the light rather well.

The SpS frags I bought are still alive. The plating monti has grown anought an inch around the sides, the mille has grown about a CM, the random great branching thing as not grown much, maybe a half centimeter. Overall, the growth is nothing to right home about but the important thing to note is it is growing.

As for colour, the monti was put in the tank dark green, it didn;t take long to turn light green in which it as been for 4 months. The mille, is a redish, orangish brown. I am not sure which colour it was but it was either orange or brown since that is what millipora maniac had at the time. So when it comes to sustaining deep and vibrant colours, the light is not so great.

All the softies love it, the toadstools have pretty much doubled in size, the most growth has happened in the last 4 months than has happened in 4 years. So the light is definately better on softies than my 180 watt PC.

Conclusion, definately not comparible to any MH. The light will sustain and grow SPS. (the SPS is now 12 inches from the light). Better than any PC fixture though. If you lived in China, the light would be a killer deal (190usd) but when you add in shipping, brokerage, taxes, and wire transfer fee not so much. I still am satisfied with my purchase.
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