Thread: Tank Shut down
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Old 12-08-2010, 02:13 AM
Dane Dane is offline
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Default Tank Shut down

Hello Everyone,

I have the following fish/coral for sale.

P.S must bring own net to catch fish. I have lost my net and I know they are cheap but I figured it was just as easy for someone to bring there own to catch there new fish


2 - Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish male and female pair. $80
1 - Hippo Tang about 3.5 inches or so $65 SOLD
1 - Yellow Tang about 3.5 inches $40
1 - Fire Goby 2 inches $10 SOLD
1 - Cleaner shrimp large $15 great cleaner too! SOLD
1 - Coco worm $25 SOLD

Blue/Green mushroom 4 or 5 small heads $30
Orange Mushroom 3-4 heads $15 SOLD
Orange Mushroom 3-4 heads $15 SOLD
Frogspawn 5 heads $50 SOLD
Neon Green Candy Cane 25+ heads $55
Maybe 4 snails if we can find them $3 each
1 medium hermit crab $3

I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.


Last edited by Dane; 01-15-2011 at 06:56 PM.
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