FS: JBJ 28G NANO LED & Corals (EDM)
I have losted interest in reef, so I am parting out or sell as whole setup
1 mated pair maroon clowns, one 3inch and other one is about 1.5", 30 for both, or sell with host anemone $90 (anomone is cyan in colour with purple tips)
2 some kind of anthias, $10/each
bubble tip anomone is cyan in colour with purple tips (less common one) $70 (4-5 inches when opened)
green center zoas, red center zoas w green skirt on same rock, 20 polyps, $15
blue zoas 10 polyps, $10
4+" green n red brain $45
blue clove polyps on a 4 inch rock $40
2-3 head green hammer $20
1 head torch coral $10
about 30 polyps orange paly $30
4" red orange blasto with about 12 heads $40
5" purple and blue maxi clam $50
20lb live rock with coraline $3/lb
will try to get pic tomorrow
Last edited by dawen; 12-08-2010 at 11:23 PM.