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Old 12-07-2010, 11:20 PM
golf nut golf nut is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Ok I'm still missing something here. It must be more than just a count down timer. If this were the case the drum would rotate until the sensor is triggered and opens a circuit. The open circuit triggers the counter which turns off the motor. OK so far so good but then when the counter stops the sensor is still in the same position and therefore the circuit is still open which will reset the timer. This will continue forever and the drum will never move again. For this system to work that timer must have some kind of algorithm built in, which will either be a delay or something that over rides the sensor until the circuit closes again.

For the system to be reliable a simple a delay won't work. If it's an over ride that's a pretty cool little system. How much would the whole system cost, built and ready to go?
It would be a fairly easy DIY mod to a 4 way or 2 way, still will cost $39