Thread: Herbie help
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Old 12-07-2010, 05:47 AM
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Lampshade Lampshade is offline
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I just converted my duroso over to a herbie and it's GREAT now that it's done... setting it up was an adventure. I had to throttle my return back a bit since my single herbie return took less water than my dual duroso's.
I set up my emergancy drain at the max height i wanted water in my tank, then closed off the gate valve on the other return until the water got just to that mark. seemed to work fairly smooth, i don't know why i didn't do this on my last tank, it' so quiet....

The limiting factor on my return was not the drain itself, it was the overflow. I plan on replacing the grooved acrylic with eggcrate to get more water through, but it's something to watch for if you are planning a big return pump.
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