Originally Posted by bryceschutte
Yellow tang is doing great in the sump. Looks like he's heeling up already and he is alot yellower than he was yesterday. I have a 90 gal display with a 30 gal sump. IM going to give him a week to get nice and healthy and then try the mirror trick. How long do you leave the mirror in the tank for?
I got rid of the ick a month ago.
If you never let your tank go fishless for 8 weeks then there's still ich in your tank which is ok it's in everyones but a fish who shows signs of it and is getting picked on will spread it again very fast.
Honestly take the tang somewhere else I think your beyond the point of helping your tang in a sump.
The mirror will cause yournew yellow stress I guarantee it it's only to be used on healthy fish and only for mins at a time as they stress out and fight with the mirror , I had to remove my mirror after five mins my tang lost it only for he was healthy he would have stressed pretty bad. Your new yellow will also attack the mirror or he will be afraid of it which is both stress that it can't have if it's wounded or unhealthy.
Seriously over a $40 fish I'd give I to a friend it's not worth the risk of losing your tank and making things worse. I'd also make my next purchase a qt tank or we will be having this discussion again in no time
glad to hear he's looking better