Originally Posted by Llamarama
< -- Jealous! I bet your collection is great  I just started playing during Zendikar block my brother taught me and I'm really digging it although apparantly a lot of people don't like some of the new rules and quit playing because of them..but that's fair I quit WoW because of stupid expansions
Magic... I just pulled out the 20K cards I have. Time to Ebay those. Haven't played in far too long. I have from Tempest (and a few of the smaller sets prior to that) through to Urza's. It was about that time that the rules started changing up too much. My friends stopped playing, and well, you can't exactly play alone now can you!
As for WoW... LOL, I play that one

BC expansion was good, Wrath was a bit silly (too bad, good story line, and zones) Cata so far (world has been blown up) is looking really nice! Can't wait for tomorrow! Release day
Wow takes up most of mine and my wifes (yep, she plays) time. Living in a small apartment doesn't leave too much room for too many hobbies!