In no particular order, sailing and boating, mountain biking, orchids, and ocean and aquatic life and related activities so aquariums, diving and snorkeling all sort of count into that IMO. Camping. Dreaming of a better life. Music (playing and listening). Woodworking.
I work with computers and software and don't really consider those among my interests any longer, although I did when I was growing up. Expertise and interest apparently don't go hand in hand.
Kids and pets are not hobbies, so I don't list them here, but it should go without saying that I do enjoy sharing my hobby pursuits and activities with my kids.
Originally Posted by Haloreef
3 Poison Dart Frogs (300 gal display in the design stages) will go nicely with the seven other various sized terrariums!
Holy moly, a 300g frog tank? That sounds epic. I'd love to see more of that when you get it going. Wouldn't the darts simply get lost in there or how many are you thinking of housing and what kind?
One of my next projects will be a dart frog tank but probably something a little smaller.