Originally Posted by Llamarama
I was actually considering putting my lab/border collie in flyball as she has a tennis ball infatuation not sure if she could do it though  eep missed my dogs as a hobby have a mini wiener also and we all walk and run at our local offleash park daily 
I wish we had an offleash park here for that. Its kind of tough right now too as its like -15 or -20 out.
Originally Posted by Aquattro
We've trained a labradoodle, so anything can learn  Pretty much any dog can do it!
Id love to do some sort of agility with mine as they all seem to love to run. Problem is everytime I get running around with them I cant help but laugh, then I stumble and fall over laughing and get attacked with tounges in ears and up my nose, its like the worst wet willy ever. They love chasing things, one of them would be fun to watch trying that long jump thing into water. She wouldnt go far but shed go full tilt off the end of a dock if you throw something for her. I really like the agility course too, weaving. Fun stuff. They just have such a low ground clearance, the jumps may be an issue. You have any suggestions for reading or anything that gives a person an idea on how to get started in training them for that or setting up a training path? There smart enough for it, im the one that needs to learn. Thanks.