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Old 12-03-2010, 07:22 PM
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Nothing will bully him for sure I have only pacific fish in there. A blue hippo tang, 3 cardinals, 1 mandarin and 1 clowfish.

All of my current fishes are sweeties, very very pacific with each other and all eat together without fight. The only stress he would have is to adjust to a new tank, but a much larger one and a lot more places to hide than this 20 gallons with 3 little pieces of liverock he's in right now.

So what do you think? put it in the DT?

water quality in both display tank and quarantine tank is zero detectible nitrates, ammonia and nitrites as well as no detectible phosphates. I would say it's pretty good water quality.

I feed him with garlic soaked food: shrimp pieces, nori algae, spirulina enriched brine, fish roe and live white worms on occasion.

Originally Posted by JonT View Post
Make sure there will be little to no stress in the system. If you are going to put him in the tank, make sure nothing will bully him.

These triggers are really resilient. I too have one. He has survived a few attacks, and some scratches from being a chicken (the two smaller clowns bully him sometimes)

Last edited by daniella3d; 12-03-2010 at 07:30 PM.
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