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Old 12-03-2010, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by coreyskylar View Post
Would I be able to incorperate night
Lights as well?
How many bulbs should I use for a standard 90gallon, and what colour to use?
What would the cost be about?
What else would I need to buy?
Anyways I'm interested but know nothing about them.
you could do a moonlight several different ways, I still havent decided how I would do mine.

A standard 90 wanting to keep SPS could build two of the modules im building.
of course you need different drivers for two modules.

to build an LED light you would need:
thermal paste
solder + soldering iron

If you follow along on my thread, ill be detailing it step by step. You can also search LED DIY builds and they will explain how to do it too.
There is also videos on youtube.

cost for a two 48LED modules would probably be under 1k
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