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Old 12-03-2010, 06:21 AM
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viperfish viperfish is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Dawson Creek
Posts: 684
viperfish is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Complete 180 Gal Setup Medicine Hat *SOLD*

180 Gal Tank 6'x2'x2' drilled with center overflow Stockman standpipe 1 1/2"
Stand is built but not finished on the exterior, heavy duty 2 x 6 bracing, more than enough support
4' sump (45 Gal)
20 Gal Hex Tank refugium with 3/4" bulkhead to drain back to sump
Marineland LED for refugium
Tank main lighting 8 x 39 watt T5HO (2 - 3' fixtures) w/moonlights, 2 months old
Aqua Medic 6500 (1800 GPH) return pump
Aqua Euro 400 pump to drive carbon reactors
Aqua Euro 290 pump to feed fuge
Maxi Jet 1200 for top up
2 - Lifegard external carbon reactors
Aqua Euro 250 dual pump in sump protein skimmer
2 - Hagen 300W heaters (One Fluval, one electronic w/ digital display)
Tsunami Auto top up
2 - Koralia Evo 1400 powerheads
2 - Koralia 3 powerheads
4 - filter socks
Apprx 100-120 Lb live rock
Apprx 150 Lb live sand
4' long 12 outlet power strip and timers
All associated plumbing valves hose etc.

This tank is currently running as my FOWLR, I had it set up as an LPS/Softie tank at one point. It has been running for about a year and a half. There are still lots of shrooms growing on the rocks as well as coraline. I have never treated this tank with copper or anything that would affect the LR or sand. No interest in parting out at this time. I will be keeping the livestock. It will be the responsibility of the person buying to move the tank, I moved it in and that was enough for me.

$950 for everything

Last edited by viperfish; 12-12-2010 at 08:35 PM.
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