Ok so time for an update...I considered scraping it, but to be honest, now that it is all setup, I really like the blue comming thru with the black mixed it. Gives it that unique look.
So I got to work on modifying the trickle filter into a sump. Got 2 pieces of glass cut, and put them in myself....Yes I know it isn't purdy, but it works, and it is a sump....
Then I got to work on my overflow bulkhead... Took a piece of Lexan that I had kicking around and made myself some teeth on the end of it... Also picked up 60lbs of sand for $50, and used
my current tank to seed it.
So after a few days of adding in the water and playing around with the sump level and the gate vales, here is what it looks like. Yes still a little bit cloudy, but what can you do?