Thread: LED group buy?
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by reeferious View Post
somewhat off topic but how deep am i wading into if i was to buy these leds, power supplies and heatsinks then hook them together to form a functional light unit? my electrical knowledge is still at the basic level.
its actually pretty simple stuff

lets say you wanted to just do a basic 12 LED light

you get a heatsink from heatsinkUSA

you get a driver such as the Mean Well ELN-60-48

you use thermal paste to attach each led to the heatsink. then you connect one wire of the driver to the first led + then from that led - to the next led + and so on until you get to the last led and you connect the other wire of the driver to it (should be negative).

you use solder to make the connections.

then i believe you make some quick measurements with a multimeter to make sure you are around 700ma and tune the driver if you are off a bit and then your good to go.

if you have an apex controller you can get the D version of the driver to dim it via 10v.

We could have a vancouver build party if a bunch of us get LEDs and someone wants to host it at their shop/house. beers, pizzas, leds, how could it go wrong?
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