Depends on what type of set-up you are looking for, they are all freshwater more or less. If you are going for African or South American. South American fish, Angels{yes they are in the cichlid family} should really only be kept with angels and maybe a pleco or some snails. If you try Salvini cichlids, or Texas Cichlids, Jack Dempsey, Green Terrors, Oscars, etc you can mix them with caution. If you get a pair that mate they will defend their brood viciously....Don't recomend plants with cichlids unless they are artificial as the live ones tend to get moved around a lot. African cichlids are a little different as most require a slightly different care, They are really beautiful and smart/aggressive fish, they also require higher ph levels so do your homework on your species. They tend to be quite expensive if buying at your local fish store, so check out local breeders, maybe try
BCAQUARIA as well. They usually are mouth-brooders and breed easily, so again do your homework before rushing out and buying any fish. Then most important....have fun, they are great fish, if I wasn't so commited to sw fish, I would be into the cichlid family in a snap....