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Old 11-24-2010, 08:19 PM
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michika michika is offline
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Just a pile of personal experience.

Put the clams on a rock and then in a container, like an old ziplock or glad disposable one. I used to just lift the container up so the clam remains submerged, then I'd add in a small amount of phyto, and leave the clam to calm down, and take it in before returning it to the tank. An alternative is just cutting off the top of a pop bottle, drilling a hole for airline tubing in the lid and using that as a feeding device. I just put the bottle around the clam and with a syringe push the phyto into the bottle. It keeps the phyto localized and allows the clam to feed on the concentrated phyto-water in the bottle.

The problem with just feeding your tank phyto is that it doesn't necessarily make it to your clam, and you run the risk of wasting the phyto by overdosing. It also makes your skimmer go nuts. I found it too tricky to target feed my clams when it just goes right into the system.
I glue animals to rocks
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