11-24-2010, 04:25 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Edmonton AB
Posts: 4,212
Originally Posted by BMW Rider
Having been around a few grow ops over the years as a firefighter, (they start a lot of fires), I can say with some certainty that if the cops show up at your door to "check for a grow op", they don't really suspect it is and are just following up on a complaint.
When it is a real grow op, they do not enter the property until they have secured all warrants to ensure the case is not tossed on a technicality. They will use the fact that we have seen whatever it is that indicates it is a grow op to secure those warrants. Many times when we show up for the fire, the cops are right there to advise us that the property is a probable grow op so that we can take precautions in dealing with the situation. They all ready know about it, but are still gathering evidence to make the bust. If your running a grow op and your worried about being busted, be more wary of the firefighters, we have greater authority to enter a property under emergency circumstances than the cops do. We can even make them stay out 
for ya
Firefighter clip