Originally Posted by hillbillyreefer
Yes they do. You are under no obligation to even open the door for them without a warrant. Identify yourself and have the conversation through the door until they have a warrant. Too many people roll over when the police come around. I'm a law abiding citizen and expect to be treated as such. The problems caused by nosy neighbours with cell phones infuriate me. Imagine how many real calls the police can't get to because they are dealing with bogus calls made by idiots.
I'm not anti police, I just don't like government minions intruding into my life for no reason.
Wrong, Police may enter a home, or vehicle if they have probably case to suspect something is going on. To many people have this false idea that cops cant do anything without a warrent (thank you hollywood) when in fact if you were pulled over by the cops and they suspected drugs in the car, guess what your sitting there while they go through your car no warrent needed, same thing with a home, if you open the door to the cops and a big cloud of smoke comes out the door guess what they can walk right in.
That being said....anything they find is only grounds for you to be taken away they wont be able to have charges stick to you untill they have a warrent to go back and search the house for evidence.
Yes I know this from experiance, cops walked right into a house party because they could see from the doorway what they thought looked like a bong (it was a coloured vase with no flowers in it) and then they explained how they can do that. Hollywood has screwed up what we the citizens think our rights our because lets face it most of the movies we watch are from the USA not Canada

Same thing when you ask a cop for his badge number he only has to give you either his Name (first or last doesnt have to be both) OR his badge number.