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Old 11-23-2010, 03:55 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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My humidity level is at 40% right now but i still see the water condensing on my windows. Should i concern?

Back to original questions, I don't think glass top is good because it will effect your ph. Canopy is a better choice

Originally Posted by kien View Post

In short, it takes stale air from inside your house and vents it outside. It takes fresh air from the outside and brings it inside. The warm air that is vented outside is used to heat up the fresh air coming in so that you don't lose too much heat. The one side effect that we are interested in here is that it will take humid air out thus dehumidifying your home. Highly recommend for new homes or homes that have upgraded their windows to higher efficiency windows because those houses are like cocoons.

We just installed in our house a couple of weeks ago. Before we were were battling 55 to 60% humidity and had to open windows and turn on all the bathroom fans all day long.. brutal! Now our house runs at a comfortable 40%
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