Originally Posted by lorenz0
Ya when I was in the male was kind of hiding in the rock and the females was out. Only got a glimps of him. Great to hear he is loving the new home. So are they living in your aggressive tank or the main tank?
Aggressive tank for sure. I have way too many ornamental inverts in the mixed reef that they would likely devour

Thalassoma wrasses are typically not reef safe and can be very aggressive. I've owned two others in the past, a Lunare Wrasse eons ago and a Quinquevittatum (aka pink face wrasse) which I re-homed. Both very pretty but aggressive fish.
Originally Posted by fishytime
good to know that they seem to be doing well......really is a gorgeous fish....great shots of the male to boot  ....
I think he said they were going on the aggressive side....
They are doing quite well. I think that they are the only fish that I've ever put in the tank that has not immediately went into hiding. They took to my fish mush right away. I think the other fish are afraid of the dynamic duo