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Old 11-23-2010, 03:21 PM
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Delphinus Delphinus is offline
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One of the guys I work with built out in Dalroy which is not far from Lyalta. Think it takes him about 25 minutes to get to work (we don't work downtown). On really bad traffic days he just works from home or takes a sick day or whatever but 99% of the time it's fine.

It's workable out east if you don't mind flat, windy, and saltyish dirt .. but on the flipside, a mere mortal stands a chance of buying property out that way compared to anything west or south. I actually looked at building too out that way, would love to be able to build a greenhouse or park my assortment of summer toys somewhere .... only problem is I'm not moving out of the house I'm in now unless it's a chance to flee Calgary and Alberta altogether. Man I hate the thought of moving!!!!!

One thing to consider out that way though is check into the proximity of sour gas wells out that way. I'm not sure if it's as big an issue as it was in the past (I imagine a lot of them are just shut in right now anyhow) or in what areas specifically where they are ... just a passing thought though of something you might want to check into further before deciding on anything.

Good luck man. I can't imagine trying to buy a house nowadays. I got into mine in the nick of time - there's no way I could afford my own house if it were on the market today. Not without a 99 year amortization !!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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