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Old 12-13-2003, 08:08 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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Default First pic of my tank...

So, the pic size is a bit large... and emptyminds camera likes to paint everything BLUE...

You can see the only spots of hair algea in the tank are on the spray bars in the back. So I am pretty happy... except for the diatoms that keep appearing on the sand... and the lack of corals in the tank (mostly because I am being picky about what I put in the tank).

I would love some feedback on the rock structure... I am not sure I like it yet... its lacking something somehow.


* 2 x 250W MH (upgrading to venkiw 400's, just waiting for them to arrive in the mail).
* 2 x 55?W actinics
* 120 Gallon tank - 48" x 24" x 24"
* 75 Gallon oceanic sump (over half full at all times - maybe 40 gallons)
* AquaC EV 180 skimmer
* CPR overflow (hate it)
* 2 maxijet 1200's on a wavemaker powerstrip (3rd maxijet is in the QT tank)
* 2 hagen powerhead filters in the sump running carbon and filter media (media changed weekly)
* 3 velocity T4 pumps, 1 for closed loop using the scwd and two spraybars, 1 return thru another scwd, 1 return thru a T
* 150lbs LR
* 4" sandbed
* amm, trites & trates @ 0, Calcium 420, DKH @ 13, PH 7.7-7.9
* Use kalk for top off every night (about 3 gallons) and top off 1-2gallons RO/DI in the morning


Lawnmower blennie
Purple tang
1 green chromis (because I cant catch him)
2 clown fish from wendell
2 cleaner shrimp (mean buggers)
1 tuxedo urchin
1 diadema urchin
1 fighting conch
2 cowries
crapload of snails, cerith, nass., stomatella (the ones that survived the shrimp massacre) astrea and a few trochus. All my margarita's died.

1 pink w/purple polyps monti cap.
1 pink birdsnest frag
1 green birdsnest frag
1 pink acro
1 yellowish sps (forget the name)
1 tan/blue/green acro
1 blue tip staghorn from shao
1 purple tipped monti digitata
1 yellow/green monti digitat
1 frogspawn from samw
bunch of assorted zoo's from

Tank is only 6 months old or so.

Funny thing is, I am already planning a larger setup in the basement (when emptymind vacates the basement - no pressure buddy! ) and this tank hasnt even matured yet... oh well, could be addicted to a worse hobby...
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