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Old 11-23-2010, 12:19 AM
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mechano mechano is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Default Asterina Pest- Any wrasse that will eat them?

Hello, I am starting to notice a lot more asterina starfish in my take as of recent. My tank set up includes a mixed reef type tank with some "reef safe" predatory fish eg. Niger trigger, Volitan at present. I am looking for a species of wrasse or other type of fish for that matter that will decimate my asterina population.
ANY SUGGESTIONS? Anyone know if a Twin-spot maori wrasse or similar species that eats starfish?
Any help would be appreciated as I am tired of looking at all the white blotches of coraline that these guys are eating. Thanks for the help in advance guys/girls.
Oh yeah, My tank is 85 gallons so nothing too large!

84 gallon Osaka reef-Closed down Jan 16th/2011
AP12 HQI-Started Jan 4th/2011
BC29 HQI-Started Jan 14th/2011
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