Originally Posted by Magma
well I was born and raised here in calgary and I never understand why people would live outside calgary and commute every day.
1. Traffic always is hit or miss even if you live in the city
2. Does the Lower of the price of a house really matter when you end up spending the extra on gas anyways?
Not to mention higher property taxes etc.
I have never seen the point it and for me why would I want to live another 20-30min out of town when it already can take upwards of an hour to get home when the bad weather hits. (even though its only a 10min drive normally)
Yeah but where do you live and have you bought a house or looked into buying recently? To get anything decent for your money you're looking at either far north like Country Hills, Far South like Cranston, or Far west like Valley Ridge although Valley Ridge isn't exactly that cheap either. These are the places you get the most for your money and yet you're still stuck with a smaller lot on a cramped street. You sacrifice privacy, architecture, and space and for what? The commute still sucks, from Country Hills to my work it's 45min, far south around 30 min to get to work but 45min to get back home. The west isn't much better and can be worse depending on traffic.
Outside the city I get way more for my money (almost double), a nicer and quite community, security, more social environment, better view, more space inside and out, and over all more freedom. And it'll still likely take 45min. The property tax is lower, not higher and 45min on the highway is less gas than 45min in the city.