FS:Red Sea Max incl Rocks Fish & Coral - Calgary
Red Sea Max 34g - Black
40 lbs of Rocks
Large Hammer Coral 20+ heads
Large Pink Pulsing Xenias 20+ heads
Green Button Polyps
Brown\Pink Button Polyps
Green Star Polyps
Green Mushrooms
Pair False Clown (male & Female)
Chocolate mimic Tang
Black Combtooth Blenny
Diamond Watchman Goby
Yellowtail blue Damsel
Half a dozen small hermit crabs
Large Holloween Hermit crab
Large Yellow Brittle Starfish
Nassarius Snail
Blue Tuxedo sea Urchin
Red scooter Goby
Full AquaTest Kit
still have more to list....
$650 for everything. PM me. Thanks for looking
Last edited by phillyreefer; 06-08-2011 at 02:58 PM.