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Old 11-20-2010, 09:54 PM
FitoPharmer FitoPharmer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Kamloops, BC
Posts: 454
FitoPharmer is on a distinguished road
Default Hardware for sale: Kamloops

I sadly can no longer afford to keep my current set-up. Time for some downsizing. Sorry for the delay in updates, I just finished moving:

$180 ETSS skimmer body (down draft or external)

$5 Giesemann marine DE bulb
$130 Sunlight supply 150w electronic MH ballast
$125 Sunlight supply lumenmax 3 150W DE (with extra UV glass)

Ballast, reflector, and bulb: $205

$10 Grounding probe

$40 Piranah cleaning magnet

$80 5lb CO2 cylinder (almost full)
CO2 tank

$40 20G tall, drilled and plumbed for a sump
$40 Dual guage CO2 brass regulator (works fine, needs a new gauge)
$70 75G tank with plywood stand. Glass is scratched. Great for a sump.
$145 75G Hagen tank with stand. The back side of the plastic bracing is scratched, but is not visible when the tank is against a wall.
$595 120G 6'x24"x18" display tank with 1500 GPH glass holes overflow kit.

Shipping is available on most items!

Liverock post

Last edited by FitoPharmer; 02-04-2011 at 07:27 PM.
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