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Old 11-20-2010, 03:33 AM
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kookie_guy kookie_guy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Newmarket, Ontario
Posts: 54
kookie_guy is on a distinguished road

Finally making some more progress.....

Here's the electrical panel nearly complete. On the first shot, I still have to add my coralife power center that's in use on my BC29, and the 12vdc power supply for the cooling fans and moon lights. The other 2 timers you see are going to be for the MH lights. I didn't use the ones on the power center because I want to control them separately. I will turn on the left MH, then both, then only the right, and then both off. Kinda trying to do a sunrise/sunset type of deal. On the second pic, I have to add the ballasts for the lighting, and the control box for my moon lights and cooling fans.

Then I got to my drain and return plumbing that's in the display tank. Glued it all together. The PVC primer is some nasty stuff to work with. Very runny and stains like no tomorrow. Here are some shots of the plumbing.

And finally, I started working on the sump. Glass took longer to cut than I was expecting. Anyhow, first pic shows assembly of the first chambers, second and third shows the first chambers in the sump, and the last pic shows the last of 3 baffles going in.

That's it for now. I should have quite a bit more done by this weekend.
65G tall
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