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Old 11-20-2010, 03:31 AM
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kookie_guy kookie_guy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Newmarket, Ontario
Posts: 54
kookie_guy is on a distinguished road

Got some more updates.....

Got the lights in, go to the link below to see the review..

Here's my 5.5gal refugium tank after drilling it.

Same tank getting ready for vinegar and steam cleaning.

29gal sump tank undergoing water test after being vinegar and steam cleaned.

My living room is the storage room now for all the parts. LOL. Wife is not too happy, but ya. Still waiting for another plumbing order and I can put it all together.

A few display tank shots. This is not cleaned yet, so please ignore the big streaks on the glass.

This shows where the fuge will sit, and spill down into the sump.

And finally, I've started harvesting my purple xenia. Will be selling it to LFS for store credit that I can use on the new tank. I know, my sand is nasty, it's getting a good cleaning today.

That's all for now. In the next week I hope to start assembly.
65G tall
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