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Old 11-20-2010, 03:30 AM
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Default 29G to 65G upgrade, pic heavy

looks like I forgot to post on here too, lol. This is about a year old now. I really should take some new pics, but I just have no time lately. Anyhow, here's the copy and paste from 3reef.....

So my wife finally gave me the green light to upgrade. I currently have a 29G biocube that's been very good to me for nearly 2 years now. It's been very stable (knock on wood), and I am super happy with it. My fish are growing like on roids, and are starting to bump into eachother. First a few pics of my current tank.

General tank shot. In the front you can see my convict blenny. This guy was purchased about 6 months ago, measuring about 2". In that short time, he's grown to about 6"+. Crazy. And I know, I shouldn't have a tang, but my mom really wanted it.

Another tank shot. See the purple xenia? It started out as a 1" tall single piece. This stuff is like a weed once it takes off.

My true percula clowns with their RBTA. All very happy together. The RBTA is VERY small right now. When the MH light is on, it towers over my big leather. The clowns lay eggs on a regular basis.

My green goby wanted to say hi. He's the first fish I ever purchased, so he's been with me since day 1.

This is my finger leather. It started out as a little frag from my buddy's tank, and has really taken off.

And finally, my yellow tang and spotted dwarf puffer. The puffer has thankfully stayed away from my corals (knock on wood again) and is good with the other fish, except he likes to go after the convict blenny now and then.

Now the new tank. Here's the stand for it. I went with just a standard tube stand, and I will be doing a custom wood skin around it.

I don't like how low these stands are, so I made a riser stand out of some bosch extrusion. Also with feet which will really help in leveling the tank. Brings it up to a nice eye level.

This will be the sump. It's a 29G tall tank. This will hold the skimmer and return pump, along with the heater, and carbon filtration. Still working on the sump design.

This is the 5.5G tank that will be the refugium. I will be drilling 2 holes in the side of it, and it will sit just above the sump tank, spilling into the return section.

Here's my skimmer. It's the coralife 220G model. This thing is a monster, lol. Rated for 220, I think it should work ok for the 65.

And last but not least, the display tank. It's a 65G tall (36x18x24) with a corner overflow, and black silicone. I had the blue background applied to it at big als. Very nice tank. For those interested, it's a Perfecto.

That's all I have for now. This will likely be about a month long build up as time is limited, so I fit it in as I can. I am picking up a shipment from the US next week which will include lighting, so I will post more about that when it all comes home.

Comments (positive and negative) are welcome, as they will help me with setting it all up properly.
65G tall
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