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Old 11-19-2010, 03:54 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Marlin65 View Post
Tank looks nice I like the shape and rock placement.
Just some friendly help it looks like you have some decent algae growth you might want to think about some sort of control.
Like a emerald crab for that bubble algae and some snails etc. If you don't it will take over and kill your corals. Some of the Zoe's are kind of closed they will be a lot more happy if you have bare rocks with no algae.
I know that you have skimmer less but you might want to get one to help with your algae.
Really nice picture of your elegance coral.

yeah ive been doing some work to get things back to normal, all my old rock doesnt have any algae on it but the tonga branch seems to attract it very easily.when i first set up the tank a couple years ago i figured i would let algae grow on the back and sides.....i managed to get rid of it all and this year it all came back.i have gave up on this tank this year and now that my big ones are sold im working on making this look nicer.this tank will be torn down in late december early january and will be going in the new 200g so im trying not to buy to much for equipment.i am going to be buying a phosban reactor here though this week.
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