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Old 11-19-2010, 03:37 AM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

Plunked in an MP10 today.. dam i wish i could have afforded one earlier heh.

Everything in the tank is looking pretty good. noticed one fatality though.. the PPE i got that was starting to open up before i left disappeared.. the frag got hermit knocked over and the gf did not notice or even know it was there.

oh well. I pulled the frag rack and put scattered the sps around a bit. I will have to keep an eye on the bubble tip's if they decide to move around to much the frags will have to go back in the rack. I will try to get some update pics soon. some of my sps are starting to color up a bit more than before, so i am guessing the pellets are doing a little something something. either that or i feed more than she does.
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