Bayside is about 10 mins away and Reef Shoppe is 2 1/2 hours away.
I buy all my salt for the year during Boxing week sales since I tend to travel during that time anyway. I have 3/4 of one bucket left right now, so I guesstimated pretty good! Last year I bought my salt at Red Coral in Calgary on my through from BC for Christmas...Kevin had a wicked sale going on! It chaps my @$$ to pay a bunch of money for salt because I like to do water changes, and don't want to watch the dollar signs go down the drain. I actually find I do more water changes when I pay less for the bucket.

My 90 really doesn't go through all that much salt though at 10 gallons per week. My Zoa tank gets 5 gallons of used water from the reef every week, so that's like recycling.