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Old 11-16-2010, 02:54 AM
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KPG007 KPG007 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 225
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If you have the same one as I have, you're fine. I forget the name, but mine is very similar to the one called a 'Dalmation Linckia Star' off of this site. My guy looses arms on occasion too, but it's nothing to do with starving. Because of their size (about 2-3 inches accross with skinny arms) they can get enough food in an aquarium.

Originally Posted by tileguy1988 View Post
I had a 66 gal with about 50 lbs of live rock which was very established and in april I upgraded to a 90 gal and about 2 weeks ago I moved everything over to a 120 gal. I had it running for about 2 weeks before I did the move. I added about 80 lbs of live rock from established tanks to the 120 before I moved the fish. The star fish is about 3 inches it is gray with blue tips can't remember it name. it is not a sand sifter. It is always on the rock. The weird thing is the leg that came off is moving around in the tank. If my star fish is starving what do I feed it?
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