So this morning I found my last nice RBTA stuck to the intake of a powerhead. Awesome. I've noticed that in the last few months the RBTA's have gotten a little restless, after having never moved in years all of a sudden they move, and I notice it seems to correlate with caulerpa getting too close to them. I prune the stuff every day and pull out gobs and gobs of it but it's instantly replaced. I don't even know how this stuff got into the tank, it just showed up one day and has been causing me huge headaches ever since. At least in the big tank the rabbit and tangs happily eradicate the stuff but there's no similar behaving fish that can fit in a 40g.

I can't WAIT to shut this tank down and let the tangs and rabbit go to town on the rock.
Tonight I came downstairs after supper and I hear a weird whining noise. It's the autofeeder in the cube tank. The LED screen has gotten all wonky and it's stuck on so turn after turn of dumping pellets in until the hopper was empty. Stellar. Ordinarily I have it set to turn 3x which is enough to make the fish go crazy and eat it up in about 30 seconds. The tank is completely full of pellets floating everywhere and the fish are so full of them that they're not chasing them down anymore. Ugh, now what? I hope that changing the filter sock out, cleaning the skimmer and doing a 25% water change will be enough .. I'll do another one tomorrow maybe.
Not the best day for my tanks. Hope others had much a better day than I did!