Thread: Kelowna LFS?
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Old 11-14-2010, 02:39 PM
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I live in Vernon, but the shops I tend to visit in Kelowna are Pet City in the south end and The Purple Seahorse on Hwy 33 (road to Big White). Both small shops with limited equipment, but their livestock seems to be better looked after than that of the larger box pet stores. Even the chain stores don't have that much in the way of equipment, you pretty much have to keep driving to the coast for that. There are a couple of businesses operating out of their homes, but I don't have the info for them at my fingertips. I imagine someone from Kelowna will check in here at some point with that info.

The Purple Seahorse has a web site now, I just discovered. Their shop recently expanded and they carry more livestock than they used to:

Pet City coordinates, they don't appear to have a web site:

5-3151 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, BC V1W 3S9
(250) 762-5511

Here's a link to an older thread on the subject. I'm sure there's a more recent one, but this is the first that came up when I did a Google search.
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