I went on holiday for three weeks and came back to a full tank so need to make some room. I cut up both my candy canes and my hammer, so I now have some really nice pieces to get rid of.
I have the ultra green candy cane as well as the normal green. Some have 20 plus heads some only a few. How about $2 a head for the regular green and $3 for the ultras or $30 to $10 depending on the size.
Here is a picture. First come first serve unless I know you.
I also have some Sps frags left some milies and acros, and for someone that is looking for their clowns to host something other than a nem. I have a giant green shroom about 8" across.
I have to cut the rock but will do that when you come over. Picture below of the shrooms I will frag the one on the right. My clown is about one inch so you get an idea of the size. $20
I will be around most of the day tomorrow Sunday.
PM me for my number.