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Old 11-11-2010, 08:47 PM
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Yes work in progress. As you see this pic the tank is already different as I added 2 barnacles cluster and a quite large turbinaria.

The rock that hang on the back wall is holding in place with some braket attached to it. I used 2 spare plastic braket from my JBJ auto top off system and attached one braket on each side of the rock, and those braket are holding the rock in place. I wanted to have an overhang to put coral on it and try to hid the equipement that way.

This liverock is quite heavy so it would require quite a magnet to hold it. I had no idea there was such thing as a magnetic rock? any link?

I use this type of braket to hold the piece of liverock to the back wall:

Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Very nice! Work in progress? How big is your tank and any more info? Your rockwork looks cool to. Is that one of those magnetic rocks on the back of the tank?
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