I have 1 x 250 watt MH 14000k and 2 x actinic PC.
I only dose manualy from time to time. I first was using IO salt, then switched to H2O in hope that I would not have to dose for KH but it did not work and I had to dose just the same. So I decided to lose that salt as it was way too expensive for what it was and I still had to dose the same so no point paying more.
I am now using IO Reef Crystal and now I don't have to dose for KH anylonger. I still have to add a bit of calcim/magnesium twice a week. I use Seachem calcium.
My next step will be eventualy to add a dosing pump and forget about it. I only change the water about 20% once a month and I have no nitrates because of the micro algae. Worse thing about the Osaka aquarium is that there is no room for a regular sump in the cabinet unless it is modified or a custom build sump is made, so no sump on mine, only a canister filter and a Deltec 300 skimmer.
Originally Posted by wayner
Really llike your tank, love the aquascaping, what lights are you running?, dosing or running a reactor?