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Old 11-10-2010, 11:36 PM
Albertan22 Albertan22 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Spruce Grove
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Default Kole Tang in hypo - how long should I treat?

So I bought a Kole Tang, put him in strait into QT (he never went into the DT at all), then 3 days later I noticed his one side was covered in white, salt like specs. So I did some research, found out that Kole Tangs don't take copper well, and decided to use a hypo-salinity treatment. I brought the salinity down, and the next day the spots were gone. He's been in hypo about 3 weeks now.

So my question to those who use hypo is, how long do you leave them in? I read in Reefkeeping Magazine to keep them in for 14 days. They had scientific references in their article and everything. That same article stated that the lifecycle of ick is 28 days though, so only 14 days of treatment doesn't make sense to me. Another thread on Canreef referenced another forum with detailed hypo instructions that call for 8 weeks, this seems excessive to me. I was planning to treat for 4 weeks then bring the salinity back to normal over the course of a week and keep the fish in QT for another 4 weeks to observe. Does this sound appropriate?

He only really had the spots for 2 days, and on that second day there were only 2 spots where the first day there were dozens. I kind of suspect that he was just lying on his side at the botom of the QT and picked up some detrius. He's a tang though, so I don't want to take any chances.
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