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Old 11-10-2010, 02:49 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Sherwood Park
Posts: 1,419
intarsiabox is on a distinguished road

I've had a 20g reef for two years. I just kept live rock,softies, lps and a couple of clowns and a goby in it. It had a HOB skimmer, Aquaclear filter, heater, 4-bulb T5 lights with a bare bottom and glass top to slow evaporation. The only thing I ever tested for was salinity and did weekly 2.5g water changes. Everything grew like weeds, the fish are all still alive and fat and I only put in less than 1/2 a week of maintenance. It was easy enough to keep care of that when I took 2 week vacations all I had to do was get a friend to top off the water and feed pre-measured portions of food and all was well when I got home. I honestly don't understand the mind set that small tanks are harder to keep, make it simple with easy to keep livestock and there will be no problem.
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