been thinking about blennies cuz i had an algae bloom lol so i told my LFS to order me in a lawnmower blenny but sure enough i turn the lights on the next day and my 2 snails cleaned 'er right up! so when i get the call to pick him up i still will out of good faith lol. i thought about a fire fish but i read that having the blenny with other inhabitants that have same body stucture is not a good idea?
side note: i picked up 4 snails in total, 2 astrea and 2 "west indy" pink snails <--- anyone ever seen/heard of these... they seem to be doing nothing but look nice.. i took a video of one of the lil buggers climbing out of water and having this white elogated tube with what looked like a mouth on the end squirming around.. sorry if that made no sense, how do i post videos lol? youtube?