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Old 11-10-2010, 12:42 AM
pinhead pinhead is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 104
pinhead is on a distinguished road

I can provide a perspective that others cannot. I am a high school Biology and Chemistry teacher. I have set up a number of freshwater, saltwater, terrariums and vivariums over the years. The past few years I have set up a little Biocube 8 and would not go with anything larger. It is stocked with softies, LPS and a couple of clownfish.

The main consideration for going small is maintenence. During the week there are always enough kids around that want to help out with water changes and feeding but what do you do during holidays?

The Biocube is just running PC's (non stock lighting) and has a lid so there isn't a lot of evaporation. It can make it through winter break with no maintenence and a couple of little fish can live off any fauna living in the rocks. What are you going to do with a big tank over Christmas break? In the summer, I knock the whole thing down and send it home with a kid or a teacher and set it back up in September.

Educationally, A reef tank is definitely worth it but there are some practical problems you have to consider.
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