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Old 11-09-2010, 04:13 AM
jassz jassz is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Pitt Meadows
Posts: 80
jassz is on a distinguished road
Default Lionfish not eating

Hello helpful people.

My lionfish, Fabio, has stopped eating. He is about 12-13 inches long, and is usually a pretty voracious eater. I alternated feeding him prawns and crab (human grade) for several months. About twice a week I soaked the food in Selcon and garlic Xtreme. About week ago I reintroduced Silversides again (I have given them before, but the store always seemed to be out of stock when I was in, so I was without them for some time). The next night after eating the silversides for the first time in a long while, he stopped eating. He watches the food, but it's almost likes he's on drugs or something... he just watches it go by. Then one of the faster fish, usually the Trigger, gets the food. (But, in the past, the Lionfish is always king of the tank and if he wanted food no one would try to take it from him).

Fabio shares the 135g tank (with 40g sump), with a picasso trigger, a wolf eel and a little Volantini puffer. They were all in the tank when I got it, and they all get along. The SG=1.020, ph=8.2 and neg for Ammonia, nitrates and nitrite. The only other issue going on in the tank is the rampant growth of Aptisia. About 2weeks ago, on 2 occasions, I used this liquid paste stuff to kill off some of the larger ones (but there are still millions left).

Any suggestions? He looks healthy, but the behavior is not typical. He ate one little bit of food yesterday, but not much. I'm getting worried.
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